MockMotor WSDL Diff & Impact Tool

Free for Personal Use

MockMotor Diff is free for personal and educational use.

Commercial Usage

For commerical usage, including subcontracing, refer to the license page.

About MockMotor WsdlDiff

MockMotor Diff is a tool that can help you quickly evaluate the impact of a WSDL change on your client and server code..

It is a support tool and not a fully automated analysis one. It may not always be correct. However, it can help to find the parts that should be reviewed closer to confirm they'd become broken after the update.

MockMotor Diff is a part of MockMotor code that I decided to make available separately.

About MockMotor


MockMotor is a simple and powerful mock service for SOAP and REST that I develop.

Check it out if you work with web services often.

About Us

Vladimir Dyuzhev, author of MockMotor

My name is Vladimir Dyuzhev. I build SOA, webservices and API-based systems for 20+ years.

I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada canada

You can email me or connect with me on LinkedIn.

Egor Dyuzhev

My name is Egor Dyuzhev. I'm a full-stack developer.

Email me.